Mighty Yogi of the Month: April 2015

Hi, I’m Michael and This Is How I Kick Asana!

Name: Michael Miller

Occupation: Marketing and Event Productions

Favorite yoga pose: Side Plank Tree Variation

Yoga is… an amazing tool that helps one acheive Unity of Mind, Body and Spirit through Breath and Movement.

What do you love most about yoga? I love the calm spirit that makes challenging moments flow so smoothly both on the mat and off. An everlasting meditation.

What fuels you? The love in my heart and the Love of my family.

My NON-guilty pleasure is… yummy food and good coffee.

What makes you Mighty? I aspire to better myself for the purpose of taking care of my family and to live by example.

What’s your yoga story? How did you start practicing? My lovely wife inspired me to come to a class at Mighty and I was hooked from class one. I loved how guided it was while still allowing freedom to create my own individual practice. The Instructors at Mighty are so fun in their own awesome ways. Yoga has affected my life in so many ways beyond my mat. I have never felt better in my body as I do now.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? As a youth, an elder in Venice Beach, CA once told me “To be surrounded by peace, you should always walk through life harnessing patience and understanding. The patience to accept the things about others that you don’t understand, knowing that everyone is different. Not to take things that happen in life personally, and to always see the good in everyone you come across in life’s journey.” That advice has helped me play peace maker in several situations and in my own mind. Yoga is Peace 


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