Message from Emma

To my mighty, Mighty family,

As many of you have heard through the grapevine that is a small town and a small yoga community, I am moving to Montreal. After almost six years in Ithaca and five years at Mighty Yoga, I will be moving in order to live with my partner while he completes a post-doc at McGill University.

Sometimes I would joke during classes, while watching a room of sweaty yogis grimace during Boat or Chair Pose, that only one of us was currently at work, so at least pretend you’re having fun. The truth is that Mighty wasn’t my job in the most traditional sense. It was where I went when I was having a hard day and needed to be around those I loved. It was where I went when I had great news to share and knew that there would be people at the studio to jump up and down with me. It was, and is, and will always be, a home. I think we have many homes, and that we get to choose the places we call home. You, my mighty, Mighty community, are my home– whether I’m in Canada or anywhere else in the world.

My last day in Ithaca is December 14th. After that, I will be back to teach my usual workshops, and will drop into as many classes as I can take. I’m out, but not gone. If you’re a social media user, please Facebook friend me at Emma G Silverman (my current picture is a painting of a woman in a purple dress). I love you, I will miss you, and thank you for everything– I have no complaints whatsoever.



Mighty Yogi of the Month: December 2015


Mighty Yogi of the Month: November 2015