Mighty Yogi of the Month: November 2015

Hi, I’m Corey and This Is How I Kick Asana!

Name: Corey Dresen

Occupation: Physical Therapist

Favorite yoga pose: Virabhadrasana II makes me feel so strong and expansive. I still get a feeling of pure joy every time I come into the pose.

Yoga is… the good things. Strength, peace and balance wrapped up into one beautiful practice.

What do you love most about yoga? I love that no matter where I go, yoga can come with me. Whether it is tree pose in the elevator, forward fold while tying my shoes or legs up the wall after a long day, I can always bring the joy of yoga wherever I go.

What fuels you? Spending time with my silly dog and wonderful husband, hiking in the gorges, giggling and listening to records.

My NON-guilty pleasure is… Coffee with LOTS of cream and dark chocolate!

What makes you Mighty? I always feel my best when caring for others.

What’s your yoga story? How did you start practicing? I took my first yoga class at Mighty a little over two years ago, after being encouraged by a friend. I couldn’t believe how utterly happy and exhausted I felt when the class ended. A sense of calm stuck with me for days. I’ve been hooked ever since.

When I wake up in the morning, I always do these two things… I take a nice deep breath and make a to-do list.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? “Enjoy the little things for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” – Robert Brault


Message from Emma


Mighty Yogi of the Month: October 2015